Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So Much Love For RuJu

Wow! What an amazing week I am having, and it's only Tuesday!!!

Yesterday I was featured on a blog!!! (veronablu.blogspot.com) It's a fresh blog that is just starting out. The blogger plans to feature a new etsy shop each week. And I was lucky enough to be chosen for this weeks feature!
Read it here

And to top off my Monday I got 3 sales!!!! WooHoo!!!!

Oh! And my new earrings came in the mail! I was so excited about them I put them on in the post office parking lot. hahaha!

These are my gorgeous new earrings made by a fellow fantastic etsian! Check out her shop www.sarawestermark.etsy.com

Well, today is Tuesday, so technically more good can still happen. But even if it didn't I would be totally cool with it cause it has been so fantastic already!

I logged into my etsy this morning to find another sale!! Sweet!

Then I checked one of my new favorite sites (www.handmadeinpa.net). To find that Tara (the person who runs the show) wrote a fantastic article about my shop!!!!
Read it here

I seriously could not feel anymore fantastic than I do right now!


Anonymous said...

Good for you!!!!
Wondering if I can be featured on your blog as well?
www.Finaltouch.etsy.com - would love to.

SewNasty said...

Hi Erin!
What a good start of the week :-) And guess what? Today at Lancaster Central Market (where I work) I saw a girl walking around with a RuJu bag! I spotted it out right away because it had those big colorful flowers on it and it looked great. She looked awesome wearing it, and I felt cool because I knew it was yours! haha

RuJu said...

sweet! That is awesome!!!!

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