Sunday, January 11, 2009

Project: Create Space

As a mom of two little children, my house looks more like an overstuffed toy store than a home. My husband and I would like to buy a bigger house, specifically because we have way too much stuff for ours. But, that just isn't gonna happen right now. So, I did what I could.

Project 1: Create playroom in semi-finished attic.

Our attic has panel walls (the cheap ugly fake wood kind). Only they were not put up correctly. Whoever put them up kinda just nailed pieces to the walls to kinda make it look finished.

This is the mess I refer to as my attic.
Our basement is creepy, and I do not like it down there. The walls are old stone and it stinks. So I keep everything stored in my attic.

So, what needs to be done?
1. Clean out everything. Put it in Totes and move it to the basement.
2. Get rid of the make shift shelves and oil cloth flooring
3. Do something about the walls/ceiling
4. Paint some furniture so it is inviting for the kids

Here is the finished product. I know the walls/ceiling isn't professionally done, but hey, it works.

Oh, and the other half of the attic remains my studio...just a little cleaner. :)

So now the important part. COST.
Paint and fabric was free, we had that stuff laying around. Carpet was also free, it was remnants from when we had our house carpeted. And the lovely futon cushion was also just stuffed in our attic being stored as we had no where to put it.
The only thing that cost me money was the totes. They were $7 each, and I got 5 of them. Best part is they are made from 99% recycled plastic. And they were cheaper than the other brands!

Project #2: The basement (coming soon)


OneMoreHound said...

Congrats on cleaning! It is so satisfying to have a clean place to work and play! And you did it so nicely on a budget!

Laura Pugh said...

You did a good job making space for your kids. It looks nice and I'll bet they are thrilled to have a play area.

Our old house had a creepy basement, similar to what you described. I hardly kept anything down there, especially not my craft supplies.

It will be handy having your studio and play area close together. Hopefully the kids will play and you can work. That of course, is in theory!

SillyLittleLady said...

That looks amazing! The fabric-y walls definitely add to the whole "play room" piece, as a little girl, that totally would've been my hide out!

The Point said...

This looks awesome! Great job. And now I see why your photos are so great!

You must be so pleased with the outcome!

Anonymous said...

Well done Erin! Looks great. Hope they enjoy the space. Love that you have studio space!

Novia said...

Fabulous job! If I were little I'd wanna play in there too!

P.S. I'm envious of your studio space :^)

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