I made the COOLEST treasury ever!!
For those of you who don't know. A treasury is something that sellers on etsy make. It's a group of items that other sellers are selling...if it is pretty enough it might make it to the front page.
In order to get a treasury the list of them has to drop below 333.....I'm not patient, so I never get one.
But I did! Yay! So here is my awesome treasury!!!
Click on it to be directed to it on etsy.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Banana Rama Ding Dong
Posted by RuJu at 9:35 AM 2 comments
Labels: banana rama, erin quintana, etsy, ruju, treasury, yellow
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Shop Re-Vamp
According to some great etsyians my shop pics were not up to par. After my successful show this past weekend I decided to buckle down and work on the appearance of my shop.
This meant retaking all of the pictures of all of the items in my etsy, and taking pictures of all of my new stuff from the show that did not sell.
Well, it took me 2 days, and I'm still not done editing the new stuff pics. But my shop has a fresh new look to it. Everything flows, and some of the pics are kinda funny!
I'm hoping that this will bring some traffic my way, but only time will tell.
I suggest you all go look. HERE
And while you are there check out my "mother of all market bags" this is the bag that sold out at the show!
Posted by RuJu at 11:12 AM 2 comments
Labels: bags, erin quintana, etsy, handmade, market bag, photos, pictures, product photography, purses, ruju, totes
Monday, December 8, 2008
So I just made a facebook. And it rules pretty hardcore. I don't know how to post a link to it on here....but my name on there is my real name. Erin Quintana. So go find me and be my friend. Cause I only got one friend right now, and I think more people should be my friends cause I'm awesome.
This is my avatar/main pic/whatever they call it on facebook since there are other people with my name. Find me and be my friend.
Posted by RuJu at 11:34 AM 6 comments
Labels: awesome, erin quintana, face, facebook, ruju, ruling
Sunday, December 7, 2008
My First Craft Show Did Not Suck
Lancaster City Arts Market
So, this was my first ever craft show and I must say it was not sucky. The building wasn't heated, and a few windows were broken, so it was FREEZING.
Friday Night - SetUp
So friday night my hubby and I drove the pickup to Lancaster (about 45 minutes away) to set up shop. I suck at driving that stupid ginormous truck. Gah, I hate it.
Anyway. We got there, and set up my booth. The plan was to make feet outa toobafors (2x4's) for the doors that I hung my bags on....well, we didn't. I was kinda scared people would trip on them. So we just went for it and prayed they didn't fall and crush anyone.
Here's my booth
So saturday I got to the spot at like 9:30, the doors opened to shoppers at 10. I would say the first hour was slow...then 11 hit and BAM shoppers everywhere! It was like a mad house.
I've never used little reciept books before, for those of you who haven't....remember to stick the carbon paper BETWEEN the two copies. LOL! It took me 3 receipts to figure that out. DUH!
So anyway, my best friend Kristine was there with me, just helping out. This is us (I'm the one in the hat)Alright, so. I whipped up 11 HUGE market bags. I had them out at the end of the booth on a coat rack with I big sign that said "Big Market Bags $10". I sold out! With over an hour to go.
Driving home I found the end of the world, in the form or 18 million black birds. They looked like pigeons, but were jet black. This picture only shows like 2% of them. Its was nuts. (and I took it while I was driving....safety first!)
I had to make more, cause I promised customers I would have more Sunday. So I stayed up till 1am making more bags. I didn't finish, but was so tired that I told myself I would get up early and finish 'em up.
Okay, so I get up early. NOT. I had about 10 minutes to finish the bags...so I'm sewing like a sewing fool. And sew right through my finger! The needle actually broke off in my finger. My husband had to pull it out for me and bandage me up. I almost barfed. Sorry, no pic, it was painful and I didn't even think about finding the camera.
I arrived late...well, at like 9:57. Oh and there was NO coffee at my house. (bad bad morning). So I had to buy coffee before rearranging and prettying up my booth for the day. So, I got my cup o joe and cleaned up my booth, and plopped into my chair. And waited for the shoppers...and waited....and waited...and they never came. :( I'm not sure if it was because it was crazy cold outside, or because everyone that planned on coming came the day before.
My mom, dad, uncle, aunt, cousin & cousins boyfriend came to see me tho! Yay! Gotta love the family support!!!
So.....in closing. This show rocked for me. I think next year I will only do saturday tho.
Oh AND....I got to meet a few fellow etsyians with killer cool stuff!!!!
Check them out!
She has the coolest etsy chair EVER!!!!
And this was my neighbor at the show!
Really freakin' awesome kaleidoscope art!!!
Posted by RuJu at 6:06 PM 3 comments
Labels: bags, birds, City Arts Market, end of the world, erin quintana, etsy, finger, first craft show, handmade, Lancaster PA, MaggieFrenchFolkArt, pennsylvania, purses, ruju, ThePaintedLily
Friday, December 5, 2008
etsy on vacation mode
So I set my etsy shop to vacation mode cause all my inventory is going with me to the show (see below) and I don't like that there is nothing there. I really don't like that my etsy mini to the left is just a white rectangle. Makes me sad. :(
Posted by RuJu at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: craft show, empty, etsy, etsy mini, vacation mode
Getting Ready For The Show
So, my first craft show is this weekend, both days. I'm setting up my booth tonight at 6. Last night I did a dry run, since I have never done a show before, it's a good thing i did cause it took me forever.
I took pics, to refer to tonight so I know where to put the stuff. Keep in mind my space at the show is 10x10...and my space in my living room is way less than that. So it won't be so tight.

I'm told it's concrete floors, and the building is not heated. I'm planning on wearing lots of layers. And I'm taking an area rug.

Posted by RuJu at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: bags, booth, CAM, children, christmas tree, City Arts Market, craft show, handmade, Lancaster PA, lebanon pa, puses, set up
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
My first show
My first craft show ever is this weekend. I'm so not mentally prepared.
I guess it's hard to prepare tho when you have no idea what to expect.
I am going to take tons of pictures tho. And I swear, I'm gonna start putting some on here.
Posted by RuJu at 7:41 AM 2 comments